Absolute & Relative :: Wisdom & Compassion
When I become familiar with myself as the absolute, I find wisdom. I find a view that is more deeply transdual, beyond and including any and all polarities. And I see how this relates to my own life as a human being, in various ways.
When I become familiar with myself as the relative, I find compassion. I find a view that is dualistic, and I see all the confusion and suffering that comes from an exclusively or mostly dualistic view.
Finding myself exclusively as the absolute gives wisdom, and also a certain cold-heartedness. Finding myself exclusively as the relative gives confusion and suffering.
And again, there is a beautiful symmetry here.
Becoming more familiar with myself as the absolute, I find a freedom and release that allows for deepening engagement, care and compassion. Nothing is missing, so I can freely and more fully engage and care. Becoming more familiar with myself as the relative, I find the reasons for care and engagement, and the suffering here is the incentive for deepning my familiarity with myself as the absolute.