Self/Other & Energy/Consciousness Grid
Here is a very simple grid that seems to cover many approaches to awakening...
This quadrant includes the various forms of yoga, such as indian yoga, tai chi, chi gong, and also related approaches such as Breema. I - whatever I refer to as I - am doing yoga. I am the doer.
This includes the many forms of meditation and self-inquiry, including shikantaza, The Work, headless experiments. I am doing meditation or inquiry. Again, I - typically placed on my human self - is the doer. I cause, invite or set the stage for change through choice and intention.
This quadrant includes any approach where a change in our energy aspect is caused by Other. It can be in the form of energy healing, reiki, sat nam rasayan, diksha and so on. I receive it from someone or something else.
This quadrant includes an apparent Other bringing about a change in consciousness, either in the content of consciousness or context, in awakening to selflessness.
Others appear to bring about a change in content all the time of course, just through every day interactions. And at times, Others may appear to bring about a change in content that can be seen as an altered state, or an awakening to nature or deity mysticism levels. This can happen in the presence (physical or otherwise) of a teacher.
Other can also appear to bring about a change in context of consciousness: an awakening from the appearance of I to a realization of selflessness, of content staying the same but clearly revealed as having no I anywhere. This can also happen in the presence of a teacher.
I personally find diksha to be among the most interesting of these approaches right now.
Diksha is a transfer of energy, and it comes from Other, so it belongs to the Other/Energy quadrant.
Yet, this change at the energy aspect influences the physical body, so it goes to another box in the grid that could be called Other/Body.
And from here, and probably also directly from the energy aspect, it influences consciousness, in the Other/Consciousness quadrant.
This influence of consciousness covers both content and context, eventually allowing for a clear awakening to selflessness.
See also an expanded grid.