I am You
The deepening experience of I am you (and you are I) comes from both the Absolute and the Relative levels.
From the Absolute, I am literally you and the other way around. Everything is Big Mind, Buddha Mind, God, Spirit forming itself into the myriads of forms. Everything is emptiness dancing.
When there is a glimpse or realization of selflessness, there is no I or Other anymore. Everything just is, absent of any inherent I. And when there is no I, there is no Other. It is all just movements within the same ocean, distinctions within a seamless whole.
I - as Big Mind functioning through this human self, is you - as Big Mind functioning through that human self.
As Big Mind, everything and everybody becomes a mirror for myself. I reflect myself in everybody and everything. I fall in love with myself in everybody and everything. I get to know myself through everybody and everything.
This deepens as there is more familiarity with myself as Big Mind. It deepens as there is more familiarity with everything absent of any "I" anywhere.
From the Relative - the Absolute with an overlay of abstractions - I am also you.I am a human being, and in myself I can find anything I see in you. You are a mirror for myself.
As a human being, everybody and everything is a mirror for myself. Anything I see in everybody and everything is also here in me. I can find any quality out there, also in here. I see it out there, exactly because I recognize it from in here.
This deepens as I become more familiar with seeing in myself what I see in you. It deepens as I continue to explore, notice, and live this. For me, it especially deepens through inquiry. It becomes more and more clear - in a very down to earth way - that I am you. Everything I see in you is also here in me.
Labels: relative and absolute, the work, world as mirror