Big Mind & Doing
[convolution warning!]
Human self doing
As human beings, there is clearly an I and doing. I am here, distinct from anything else, and I am doing things to/with these other things. And this is real.
I am an object in a world interacting with innumerable other objects. (This gives rise to everything we are so familiar with in our human lives - various forms of attractions, aversions, fear, struggle and so on - but that is another topic).
Big Mind & Doing
As Big Mind, I find myself beyond and including all polarities.
[Big Mind I]
Here, I find a transcendent "I" beyond and including all polarities. An "I" that is nowhere and everywhere.
At the same time, as Big Mind I find myself as all the various temporary "I"s happening. These are the "I"s arising as temporary forms everywhere, and the experience of a separate and fixed "I" happening through all sorts of beings.
I am all these "I"s but not limited to any one of them.
[Big Mind doing]
Similarly, there is all sorts of doing everywhere, and I am that doing.
As Big Mind, there is no separate I to be doing something to something else. There is just all the doing, and I am that doing. I am the doing, but I don't do.
[Just what is happening]
As Big Mind - beyond and including all polarities - there is only what is happening. There is no separate I anywhere. There is no doer. There is just the doing. There is just what is happening.
Human self & Big Mind
As a human self and Big Mind, I am both. I am in the world, an object interacting with innumerable other objects. And I am that in which the world happens, I am all the doing and all the apparent doers.
I engage and do. I am free from any engagement and doing. And I am all doing and apparent doers.