Tools & Frameworks etc.
It seems time for another list of current tools & framworks...!
Current Tools
- Headless experiments
- Byron Katie's inquiry
- Big Mind process
- Sitting practice (shikantaza)
- Can I be with what I am experiencing right now? (Raphael Kushnir)
- AQAL model (Ken Wilber)
- Universe Story (Thomas Berry, Brian Swimme and others)
- Big Mind
- Ecospirituality, deep ecology, etc. (including deep ecology activities)
- Sustainability (the natural step, ecological design etc.)
- Awake in the Heartland by Joan Tollifson
- Range of books by Douglas Harding
- The Wonder of Practice by Toni Packer
- Tapes and books by Adyashanti
- U. G. Krishnamurti (online books)
- Videos by/of Michael Dowd and Connie Barlow (Universe Story)
- Browsing books I have read in the past on Buddhism, especially Dzogchen and Zen (Dzogchen Primer, Trungpa, Sogyal Rinpoche, Hsing-Hsing Ming, Huang Po, Maezumi Roshi etc).