Terrible Arrogance
If what is in the present is an expression of God or Buddha Mind, or is God or Buddha Mind, or even is a creation of God, isn't it then also a perfect expression of God's will?
So who am I to disagree?
There is a terrible arrogance on our part when we resist what is...
I attach to thoughts, and take these as more true than what arises in the present. I fight what is with tooth and claws, placing the habitual preferences of my human self over what is. And I create a good deal of suffering for myself in this way.
And it is also very understandable...
When I identify as only my human self, I am not able to be with or be whatever arises. I am not able to function with a fully transdual view. I am not able to see that the source of everything - the experiencer and the experienced - is the same, is God.