Already Here II
Some examples...
Do it for yourself
This is one of the pointers in Breema bodywork, and one that I have found very useful. What I discover is that I am already doing it for myself. I am always doing it for myself - in anything I do, although I can create a story for myself that makes it appear different. Whenever it appears that I am doing something due to external circumstances, I can ask myself How - in what way - am I doing it for myself?
It is already here - I am already always doing it (only) for myself. The process is in uncovering it.
Being Present
I am always present - how can it be otherwise? I exist here now. These sensations, emotions, thoughts, this awareness, is always here now. And when I come to the nature of mind, to the spacious awareness, I experience it as well.
A little shift is all that is needed. A shift from being exclusively identified with the small self - caught up and lost in thoughts and images of past/future - to this always present spacious awareness.
Love, Compassion, Equanimity
When we awaken to the nature of mind - the spacious awareness - it is expressed in the form of love, compassion and equanimity. We experience that we are these qualities - it is our nature. And this love, compassion and equanimity is only conditioned on the nature of mind, not any inner/outer circumstances.
It is already here, and again - the process is in uncovering it.