In the previous posting, I mentioned how the turnaround allows for a certain for of liberation - from stuckness in and blindness around projections. The Byron Katie process allows for liberations in several ways...
- We are liberated from taking our concepts as true. We see clearly that they are just what they are - human concepts. They are certainly useful when we take them for what they are. And they become a trap - and a path to suffering - when we take them as "true" in any way.
- We are liberated from the suffering inherent in believing in thoughts.
- We are liberated into the nature of mind - the inherent spaciousness, clarity and wisdom/intelligence of mind. That which is obscured when we believe in thoughts.
- We are liberated from projections by turning the statements around, to ourselves and/or its opposite, and seeing how each of these new statements are as true as the original.
There is a liberation from being exclusively identified with the always changing content of awareness, and the rollercoaster-ride that comes with it. And there is a new "ground" in the spaciousness and clarity.
6/05/2005 10:36:00 AM
Hi Mona,
Thanks for the note, and for all the work you are doing. I have seen your website earlier as well, and enjoyed it very much. top