Online Audio & Text
Some of the online audio I currently listen to:
BBC World Service - mostly solid news reporting
NRK - Norwegian news and in-depth reporting
As it Happens - Canadian perspective
To the Best of Our Knowledge - stories on a theme from Wisconsin Public Radio
This American Life - Deeply human stories on a theme
The America Project
Hearing Voices
Third Coast Audio Festival
And what I read:
Google News - world news from a range of news sources (good opportunity to compare reporting)
The Guardian - British newspaper
BBC - World News
New York Times
NRK - Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation
Dagsavisen - Norwegian newspaper
BBC and NY Times both have a strong "modern" bias in the Cultural Creatives terminology: Belief in salvation through scientific progress, strongly supportive of neo-liberalism (and disparaging towards its critics) etc. BBC is sometimes surprisingly patronizing when reporting from former British colonies.
Independent/Noncorporate Sources
Common Dreams New Center
Independent Media
One World
United Nations News
Outlook India - range of international views
IPS News - international news
Islam Online - Islamic views
Al Jazeera - Arabic view on world news
Yes Magazine
Mother Jones
Linux Journal