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Dream :: Getting Used to Less Comfort

I am with a large number of other people in a wilderness area. The landscape is varied, from bare mountains to forests and streams. I am with a group just one or two days into a trip, and we are half way up a bare and rocky mountain slope.

We have set up a yurt and one of the guides are instructing us in hiking and surviving with the essentials and nothing more. He takes out some extra padding a novice has put down, and also removes a central inside fire pit (created by another novice with more experience from watching old westerns than real hiking).

The lessons is for all of us, even those among us with more experience. We are to get used to less comfort, because it is necessary on longer trips in wild terrain and conditions.

The message seems simple on the surface: I have gotten used to (inner) comfort, and now it is time to get used to the bare minimum again - because it is necessary for the journey. I need to shed some padding, and stay closer to the ground.

I also see how the yurt is a portable shelter through this journey, and it is in the shape of a mandala. I'll partly be outside in the wind and rain and the terrain, yet always with the shelter available.


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